Did it always come easy?
People often think that because I do this for a living that it has always come easily to me. But has it always been easy? Hell, no! I started struggling with my weight as a teenager. I did some nutty things (can you say “all apple diet”?).
I come from a family where weight was a pervasive issue. I watched as the continuous train of diets, diet books, and "diet foods" entered and left our house. I watched my grandfather die of complications from type 2 diabetes.

My obsession...
While I was getting my doctorate in psychology, I started to dig into the research. To be honest, I became a little obsessed. I needed to find out -- why was this so f%*#!ing hard?
I studied the science on metabolism, neurobiology, hormones, the history of diets. I dug through the psychology research, the science of willpower, cognitive behavioral theories, understanding mindset, fears, and motivation.
Thousands of hours later...it became obvious I had been doing so many of the WRONG things! So much of what we’re all taught to do to lose weight is based on flawed science and messy politics. What a waste ðŦ.
I then began putting the pieces together to find my own path.

Since then I've helped hundreds of people learn the truth about weight loss -- and how to find their own path to food freedom and a healthy body.
What I’ve found through the years is that although there are some basic truths, there isn't one way that works for everybody.
The best results come when you take the science and marry it with psychology, top notch coaching, and a customized approach.
Yes I am a big geek ðĪŠ. I'm ok with that. It means you get to benefit from my geekiness.
Watching my clients transform before my eyes is the absolute best. Will you be my next success story? There's only one way to find out...
Take the first step in getting to a sustainable, healthy weight.

Dana LaChance
"When I think about where I was and where I am now, I can say without a doubt that the decision to work with Mandy was one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself.
I am a different person than I was before we started working together. How do you even put a value on that?"

Deneen Robie
“After 41 lbs and coming off 3 medicines, I am a believer! I had gone to 5 nutritionists, exercised for months non stop at times and the doctors just kept prescribing more meds and telling me to try harder. I had tried and so I thought I was just genetically handed this fate.
I was wrong . January 19th, I started Mandy's program and finally...after 8 years of struggle, I was off 2 diabetes meds in 1 week! I have my dreams back and I am not as afraid of living. The best part is it’s as simple as eating real food.

Lynda Krieger
"I needed someone I could trust in, where I didn’t feel judged or shamed. Because when we battle our weight, we put a lot on ourselves. I needed to be able to not be perfect, to just be human. To be able to understand what was going on underneath that had kept me in bad food patterns. This program was focused on ME, it was one-on-one, and it was REAL.
I had done so many diet plans, I called myself the 30 day wonder. This was a total shift in mindset for me.
In addition to the weight loss, I finally overcame a lot of the food addictions and other issues I had. My joints stopped aching at night-- my sleep got much much better. I was shocked at how much better I felt -- and continue to feel."