Do you feel like you're spinning your wheels when it comes to weight loss (or keeping the weight off)?
LEARN MOREWhy is weight loss so hard?
Diets and health and weight loss advice abound. Each time you discover something new, it seems promising. Maybe this will be the answer. You get started with high hopes and lots of determination. And maybe you do have some initial success.
Only, at some point it starts to feel like a BATTLE.
Or life happens... and before you know it you’re back where you started (or worse).
You’ve poured your HEART and SOUL into trying to make it work. But still not getting the results you want. And you don’t know why. You think... maybe you lack the motivation, the willpower, maybe it’s just your genes.

Less than 1% of those attempting weight loss actually lose the weight and keep it off.
There's a reason for this.
If you don't know what you don't know, it's REALLY hard.
And continuing to spin your wheels is expensive -- especially in terms of frustration, heartache and wasted years of your life.
If you’re ready to end the craziness and finally get to the heart of the matter, you’re in the RIGHT place.
The Missing Piece:
The biggest reason you're not getting the results you want? There's a good chance that you haven't gotten specifically at WHAT'S BEEN KEEPING YOU STUCK. So many women continue throwing one-size fits-all diets at their body and hoping something changes.
Here's where this is different.
- As a unique human being, we'll carve a path that is SPECIFIC to you.
- I pull from the PSYCHOLOGY of weight loss, the SCIENCE of hormones and the brain, human motivation, nutrition, physiology, and many other fields.
- We'll cut through the conflicting advice, the multitude of possible directions and the overwhelm and get to the HEART of the matter -- and keep the main thing the main thing.
- WHO YOU ARE is critical to me. I'll learn the ins and outs of who you are before even getting started.
- The focus is SUSTAINABILITY. Because if you're smart (and I think you are) you know that losing some short term weight doesn't equal freedom, or health, or happiness.
- I will personally WALK WITH YOU through every step.
"I don’t ever want to give food back the control it used to have over me, because it was so suffocating.
To be free of that -- there are no words."

Before this, food defined me.
“What am I going to eat next?
What does the scale say?
Do these pants fit?”
All of that. Food and my weight --
that was WHO I WAS.
And without that in my life, there are so many things that I can be.
It’s not just about losing the weight -- understanding WHY I felt the way I did for so long-- and knowing now that I wasn’t crazy.
To have that peace of mind and that clarity.
I feel like I can be a regular human being -- not feel restricted or feel bad about what I eat or don’t eat. It’s just so amazing to be free of all that garbage. It’s worth just as much as losing the weight.
--Melissa Drumheller

"We thought we were good eaters. But in a big Italian family, food is everything. I was having constant energy crashes mid-day. I had headaches. Stomach issues. I didn’t feel good. So I knew I could just keep going to doctors and taking meds, which I don’t like -- or do it this way.
I’ve lost 30 pounds. I’m a size 6 now. The headaches are gone. So are the hot flashes. And I just bought a 2 piece swimsuit. Did it feel great? Yeah.
People tell me “You look amazing. Are you going to the gym?” And I say, "Yes, but that’s not what got me here." I know that because I was going to the gym BEFORE -- for two years.
If you want cheap or quick, there’s a million other things you could do. But this is a PERMANENT fix. It’s really figuring things out. It's changing your habits--and how you think. It’s for a lifetime. I know that now."
--Ann Marie Little

“Before this program, I knew I could be a better version of myself — I just didn’t know how to get there. I was so tired and felt stuck. And when I dieted there was always the feeling like the other shoe may drop at any moment.
This was so different. I’m not hungry all the time — or irritable. And those voices that question, judge and doubt are gone. I don't have to count how much of this or account for every little thing I eat. Or to feel bad because I’ve gone over a certain amount of calories or points. So for the first time I’m at this weight without all that.
And the WAY we worked together...the very customized, personalized touch...I just haven't found it anywhere just really worked.
--Reeves Schulstad

"I needed someone I could trust in, where I didn’t feel judged or shamed. Because when we battle our weight, we put a lot on ourselves. I needed to be able to not be perfect, to just be human. To be able to understand what was going on underneath that had kept me in bad food patterns. This program was focused on ME, it was one-on-one, and it was REAL.
I had done so many diet plans, I called myself the 30 day wonder-- I could do anything for 30 days. This was a total shift in mindset for me.
In addition to the weight loss, I finally overcame a lot of the food addictions and other health issues I had. My joints stopped aching at night-- my sleep got much much better. I was shocked at how much better I felt -- and continue to feel."
--Lynda Krieger